Speech Disorder Therapy

At Speech-Language Development, we are a private practice designed to assist in improving speech and language in children. Speech problems in children can include language development, oral-motor function, articulation, phonological disorders, language learning disability, and voice issues. As a speech-language pathologist, we will individually assess and treat each patient. Our speech disorder therapy helps appropriately classify and treat several different communication disorders including childhood apraxia of speech.


It is common for both children and adults to have problems with the actual production of sounds. This common issue is known as a speech disorder. A language disorder differs because it is the difficulty understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas. At Speech-Language Development, we work together with our patients and parents to provide customized speech disorder therapy. By offering these individualized therapy sessions, we are able to offer children a better opportunity to overcome their disorders.


As your child’s speech-language pathologist, we will work to establish proper exercises and activities to promote progress. Oral motor therapy includes exercises for weak articulators or muscles in the mouth and face. Additionally, we will assist individuals who stutter to increase their fluency.

Specialized oral motor therapy strategies have been around for decades. Some previous strategies focused primarily on stimulation techniques. From quick stretch or tapping to manual and mechanical vibration to pressure massage or brushing, these techniques provided some advancement. However, modern techniques offer better progress for children with communication disorders. To learn more about language disorders in children, speech problems, or our therapy programs, please continue browsing through our website. If you would like to setup an appointment, please feel free to contact us.

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